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Honey, tea, coffee & cocoa powder
Fruit Fusion Variations (BLUE BOX), Sweet Strawberry, Plum-Vanilla&Cinnamon, Ginger-Lemon&Lemongrass, Forest Fruits, No Caffeine (Koffeinmentes gyümölcstea, eper, szilva-vanília&fahéj, gyömbér-citrom&citromfű, erdei gyümölcs) 38.75 g Pickwick
Fruit Fusion Variations (YELLOW BOX), Juicy Orange, Cherries-Raspberries&Cranberries, Strawberry&Mint, Mango-Lime&Ginger, No Caffeine (Koffeinmentes gyümölcstea, Narancs, meggy-málna&áfonya, eper&menta, mango-lime&gyömbér) 37.5 g Pickwick
Fruit Variation Box of Flavoured Black Tea with Fruit Pieces (GREEN BOX); Orange, Blackcurrant, Apple, Peach (Fekete tea gyümölcsdarabokkal, ízvariációk: narancs, afonya, alma, barack) 20 x 1,5 g Pickwick
Fruit Variation Box of Flavoured Black Tea with Fruit Pieces (ORANGE BOX); Cherry, Tropical Fruit, Mango, Melon (Fekete tea gyümölcsdarabokkal, ízvariációk: meggy, trópusi gyümölcs, mango, sárgadinnye) 20 x 1,5 g Pickwick
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